Biblio­gra­fie zum Bei­trag über Naya Nepal von Alina Saba und Gabriele Köhler

  • Bhat­ta­chan, B. Krishna, and Tunga B. Rai. 2020. Indi­ge­nous Peo­p­les’ Rights in Cli­mate Action in Nepal. Kath­mandu: NEFIN.
  • CEDAW. 2018. “Situa­tion of the Rights of Indi­ge­nous Women in Nepal: Shadow Report for the Sixth Perio­dic Report of Nepal CEDAW/c/NPL/6.”, 18 Decem­ber.– rights-report/rights-indigenous-women-nepal.
  • Chhan­tyal, Gobinda, and Tunga B. Rai, eds. 2020. Poli­tics of Resis­tance: Indi­ge­nous Peo­p­les and the Nepali State. Kath­mandu: NEFIN.
  • Govern­ment of Nepal. 2006. The Inte­rim Con­sti­tu­tion of Nepal 2063 (2007). Kath­mandu: Nepal Law Commission.
  • Govern­ment of Nepal. 2015. The Con­sti­tu­tion of Nepal. Kath­mandu: Nepal Law Com­mis­sion.
    Gut­er­res, Antó­nio. 2020. Tack­ling the Ine­qua­lity Pan­de­mic: A New Social Con­tract for a New Era. Mes­sage by the Secretary-General of the United Nati­ons, at the 18th Nel­son Man­dela Annual Lec­ture, 18 July 2020.–07–18/secretary-generals-nelson-mandela-lecture-“tackling-the-inequality-pandemic-new-social-contract-for-new-era”-delivered
  • Hach­he­thu, Krishna. 2014. “Balan­cing Iden­tity and Via­bi­lity: Restruc­tu­ring Nepal into a Via­ble Federal State.” In The Federa­lism Debate in Nepal, edi­ted by Budhi Karki, and Rohan Edris­inha, 35–54. New York: UNDP.
  • Hach­he­thu, Krishna. 2017. “Legis­la­ting inclu­sion: Post-war Con­sti­tu­tion Making in Nepal.” In Two Steps For­ward, One Step Back: The Nepal Peace Pro­cess, edi­ted by Dee­pak Thapa, and Alex­an­der Rams­bo­t­ham, 59–63. Lon­don: Con­ci­lia­tion Resour­ces.
    ILO 1991. Über­ein­kom­men 169. Über­ein­kom­men über ein­ge­bo­rene und in Stäm­men lebende Völ­ker in unab­hän­gi­gen Län­dern, 1989 .
  • IWGIA. 2021. “Nepal Indi­ge­nous com­mu­nities vin­di­ca­ted in rare Euro­pean human rights victory.”
  • IWGIA Blog, 4 May.– lahurnip-victory.html.
    Jha, Dipen­dra. 2017. “Com­pa­ring the 2007 and 2015 Con­sti­tu­ti­ons.” In Two Steps For­ward, One Step Back: The Nepal Peace Pro­cess, edi­ted by Dee­pak Thapa, and Alex­an­der Rams­bo­t­ham, 64–67. Lon­don: Con­ci­lia­tion Resour­ces.
    Kha­ti­wada, Yuba Raj, and Gabriele Koeh­ler. 2014. “Nepal, a Nas­cent Wel­fare State?” In Deve­lop­ment and Wel­fare Policy in South Asia, edi­ted by Gabriele Koeh­ler, and Deepta Cho­pra, 129–147. Lon­don: Rout­ledge.
    Koeh­ler, Gabriele, and Annie Namala. 2020. “Trans­for­ma­ti­ons Necessary to ‘Leave No One Behind’: Social Exclu­sion in South Asia.” In The Poli­tics of Social Inclu­sion: Brid­ging Know­ledge and Poli­cies Towards Social Change, edi­ted by Alberto D. Cima­da­more, Fadia Kiwan, and Pedro M. Mon­real Gon­za­lez, 313–352. Paris: UNESCO.
    Lama, Mukta S. 2020. “Indi­ge­nous Peo­p­les: Rising from the Margins in Nepal’s Poli­tics.” In Poli­tics of Resis­tance: Indi­ge­nous Peo­p­les and the Nepali State, edi­ted by Gobinda Chhan­tyal, and Tunga B. Rai, 15–39. Kath­mandu: NEFIN.
    NEFIN. 2016. Land, Forest and Indi­ge­nous Peo­p­les’ Rights in Rela­tion to Cli­mate Change and REDD. Kath­mandu: NEFIN.– publications/documents/publications-pdfs/english– publications/352-nefin-book-land,-forest-and-ips-rights– 2016-eng/file.html.
    Nundy, Karuna. 2021. Brin­ging Toge­ther Women in Law: Inter­view with Karuna Nundy. Her Forum. 8 Decem­ber. Acces­sed 15 Janu­ary 2022. watch?v=ZIE10DOb6gs.
    OHCHR State­ment by Pro­fes­sor Oli­vier De Schut­ter, United Nati­ons Spe­cial Rap­por­teur on extreme poverty and human rights, on his visit to Nepal. 08 Decem­ber 2021
    Pok­ha­rel, Binod, and Meeta S. Prad­han. 2020. State of Inclu­sive Gover­nance. A Study on Par­ti­ci­pa­tion
    and Rep­re­sen­ta­tion after Federa­liza­tion in Nepal. Kath­mandu: Cen­tral Depart­ment of Anthro­po­logy (CDA) at Trib­hu­van Uni­ver­sity.
    Saba, Alina. 2018. Iden­ti­fy­ing the Chal­len­ges of Addres­sing Diver­sity in Nepal Through Federa­lism. MA The­sis, Uni­ver­sity of Shef­field.
    Shakya, Reshma. 2021. Pre­sen­ta­tion made at a con­fe­rence on Tax Justice and Gen­der Equa­lity, online, 6–8 Decem­ber.
    Sunam, Ramesh, and Krishna Shres­tha. 2019. “Fai­ling the Most Exclu­ded: A Cri­ti­cal Ana­ly­sis of Nepal’s Affir­ma­tive Action Policy.” Con­tri­bu­ti­ons to Nepa­lese Stu­dies, 46(2):283–305.
    Thapa, Dee­pak, and Alex­an­der Rams­bo­t­ham, eds. 2017. Two Steps For­ward, One Step Back: The Nepal Peace Pro­cess. Lon­don: Con­ci­lia­tion Resour­ces.
    UNRISD 2022 CRISES OF INEQUALITY. Shif­ting Power for a New Eco-Social Con­tract
    UN DRIP 2007. UN Decla­ra­tion on the Rights of Indigenous

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