Madiha (D), 15 years old, writes:
Thursday, 12.10.2017:
“We spent the day in Włodawa, a little town near our housing. But I was wondering why there was almost nothing going on. It was the middle of the day, the weather was nice, but hardly no one to see. As the Polish girls told us how alive the town is and how many festivals there are, I could not believe it.
Especially after we left the cinema and were on our way to the buses, I noticed the silence. Maybe I was too emotional after the movie about Sobibór, as if you could not get back in your everyday life. But maybe nobody really lives in the town anymore, because it was mostly inhabited by Jews, who were deported. And who wants to live where innocent people lived who were probably murdered? For me it would not be possible to live with this thought every day. So time really seems to stand still there, but why did the group show us such pictures? Was I too overwhelmed from my feelings and thoughts or did we visit the town just on the wrong day?”