Foun­ding of the Foundation

The Mar­git Hor­váth Foun­da­tion was foun­ded on Sun­day, July 11, 2004 in the Wall­dorf City Hall. Inau­gu­ral addres­ses were deli­vered on this day by Magda Ker­tész and others.

grundung01MKerteszMagda Ker­tész quo­ted her hus­band, lite­ra­ture Nobel Prize win­ner, Imre Ker­tész, who had said these words:

The ques­tion we have to ask today, after sixty years, is: Can the holo­caust create values? A via­ble society needs to keep awake and alive and con­ti­nuously renew its know­ledge, its self-awareness and the awa­ren­ess of its own con­di­ti­ons. … the holo­caust is a trauma of Euro­pean civi­liza­tion, and it will become a vital exis­ten­tial ques­tion of this civi­liza­tion, whe­ther this trauma will con­ti­nue to exist in the form of cul­ture or of neu­ro­sis, in a con­struc­tive or a destruc­tive form in the socie­ties of Europe…”



grundung02ALustigerProf. Dr. Arno Lus­ti­ger sta­ted earlier:

“Whe­ne­ver I come here and turn my atten­tion to the KZ Wall­dorf, there is a flood of emo­ti­ons, of empa­thy and reflec­tions in my mind and in my heart which are hard to express. Here, the thoughts of the Ausch­witz inmate, the his­to­rian, the sur­vi­vor, and the Jew living in Ger­many, struggle with each other for supre­macy in explai­ning the tra­gic events. Can I behave neu­trally as a his­to­rian?” Lili Schrei­ber, one of the sur­vi­vors of the KZ Wall­dorf, wrote: “We all bear wit­hin our­sel­ves a scar­red soul and a bit­ter­ness which will never disap­pear. But today, it is my only desire that all human beings show tolerance and respect for each other. I am very glad and proud to be able to par­ti­ci­pate in the esta­blish­ment of the Mar­git Hor­vath Foun­da­tion.” (Prof. Dr. A. Lus­ti­ger is mem­ber of the Board of Trus­tees of the Mar­git Hor­váth Foundation) .…



Some sur­vi­vors of the KZ Wall­dorf are pre­sent on this occa­sion, toge­ther with their fami­lies. Magda Hollander-Lafon speaks in their name on the topic of “Con­vey­ing Com­me­mo­ra­tion“
”… ‘Com­me­mo­ra­tion is a way of inward­ness, which takes place in three stages:

come to grips with
purify.… .

I had the fee­ling that my memory was con­trol­led by the Nazi hench­men for a long time after­wards, and that it could be relie­ved only by working on mys­elf, per­cei­ving my wounds and com­pre­hen­ding what I had expe­ri­en­ced for mys­elf.… For me, con­vey­ing means an appeal to live, i.e. the invi­ta­tion for ever­y­body to dis­cern the fol­lo­wing with him­self or herself:

  1. his / her indifference
  2. his / her wounds
  3. his / her humiliation
  4. his / her ten­dency towards violence
  5. his / her hatred
  6. his / her guilt, in order to reco­ver his/her zest for life.

Only by per­cei­ving these facts wit­hin our­sel­ves, and not by their renun­cia­tion, will we suc­ceed in fin­ding peace and in making peace. This is what this jour­ney is cal­ling for…”


The Second Generation


The daugh­ter of a sur­vi­vor of KZ Wall­dorf, Agnes Sar­kadi, sent us this bronze sculp­ture from Buda­pest on the occa­sion of the Foundation’s esta­blish­ment. She wrote:

“What had hap­pened during the war had para­ly­zed people. They have not been able to say anything for deca­des. It was even more dif­fi­cult to speak to each other and reach out a hand. But you have done it. This took a great deal of power and cou­rage. We are very happy since we had hoped for many years that there will be a dif­fe­rent Ger­many… It is now being rea­li­zed by you, and it makes its­elf heard. To us, this means that we are no lon­ger stan­ding alone fac­ing this hor­ri­ble past, but toge­ther with you. To us, this means an ent­i­rely new world. Toge­ther, we give each other tre­men­dous power…”


The Third Generation


In the name of pre­sent gra­dua­tes of the Ber­tha von Sutt­ner School in Mörfelden-Walldorf, Jen­ni­fer Huf­na­gel speaks to the survivors:

“…We do not feel your visit to be a mat­ter of course, since the con­fron­ta­tion with your past will cer­tainly be very agi­ta­ting, emo­tio­nal and har­ro­wing. It means a lot to us that you are do not con­demn us Ger­mans, and that you do not com­pare us with the Nazis. We are asha­med of our forefa­thers in such a way that it hurts our fee­lings that our coun­try had doo­med and humi­lia­ted human beings of a dif­fe­rent faith in such a man­ner. We are so glad that you have come to us, and we have a deep sen­ti­ment of com­pas­sion. It is our past.”



Offi­cial cer­ti­fi­ca­tes are pre­sen­ted to dona­tors of addi­tio­nal endowments:


„Klezmers Techter" spielten während der Gründungsveranstaltung.
„Klez­mers Tech­ter” spiel­ten wäh­rend der Gründungsveranstaltung.
Vera Dotan, Bürgermeister Brehl, Magda Kertesz, Trude Simonsohn und Dr. Karl Brozik sel.A. (v.l.n.r.)
Vera Dotan, Bür­ger­meis­ter Brehl, Magda Ker­tesz, Trude Simon­sohn und Dr. Karl Bro­zik sel.A. (v.l.n.r.)
Blick ins Publikum während der Veranstaltung, im Vordergrung Pfarrer U. Dusse a.D.
Blick ins Publi­kum wäh­rend der Ver­an­stal­tung, im Vor­der­grung Pfar­rer U. Dusse a.D.
Gábor Goldman, Sohn von Margit Horváth, während seiner Ansprache.
Gábor Gold­man, Sohn von Mar­git Hor­váth, wäh­rend sei­ner Ansprache.
Vera Dotan (r.), Überlebende der KZ Außenstelle Walldorf, mit Ehemann Miki Dotan (l.).
Vera Dotan (r.), Über­le­bende der KZ Außen­stelle Wall­dorf, mit Ehe­mann Miki Dotan (l.).
Magda Temesi (Mitte), Überlebende der KZ Außenstelle Walldorf, im Gespräch mit der Tochter einer ehemals in Walldorf Inhaftierten. Links im Bild ist Endre Görög, auch seine Frau war 1944 in Walldorf inhaftiert.
Magda Temesi (Mitte), Über­le­bende der KZ Außen­stelle Wall­dorf, im Gespräch mit der Toch­ter einer ehe­mals in Wall­dorf Inhaf­tier­ten. Links im Bild ist Endre Görög, auch seine Frau war 1944 in Wall­dorf inhaftiert.
Gábor Goldman (l.) und Bernhard Brehl (r.) während der Unterzeichnung.
Gábor Gold­man (l.) und Bern­hard Brehl (r.) wäh­rend der Unterzeichnung.