Com­po­si­tion of the Board of Trustees

brehlBrehl Bern­hard
Chair­man of the Board

for­mer Mayor of Mörfelden-Walldorf

“For me per­so­nally, the encoun­ter with the sur­vi­vors of KZ Wall­dorf was the most affec­ting expe­ri­ence in my ent­ire tenure of office…”


reehChris­tiane Reeh
Deputy chair­man of the Board


Her pro­fes­sio­nal empha­sis are inter­na­tio­nal ques­ti­ons of resti­tu­tion pro­ces­ses. During many years she had accom­pa­nied, along with Dr. Karl Bro­zik sel. A., the occupa­tion with the history of KZ Walldorf.



Mem­bers of the Board


GoldmannGábor Gold­man


Son of Mar­git Hor­váth, a sur­vi­vor of KZ Außen­stelle Walldorf






Ulrike_HollerHol­ler Ulrike

for­mer Jour­na­list of Hes­si­scher Rundfunk

For many people in the area covered by HR, Mrs. Hol­ler per­so­ni­fies: unper­tur­bed and extra­or­di­nary enga­ge­ment for the civil rights of soci­ally dis­cri­mi­na­ted people. “That’s why I became a jour­na­list” she uses to com­ment on this — as usual: briefly and pre­ci­sely. She is accom­pany­ing the pro­cess of unra­ve­ling the history of KZ Wall­dorf since years.


zellerUte Zel­ler

direc­tor of com­pre­hen­sive school Bertha-von-Suttner in Mörfelden-Walldorf





glanzHelga Glanz

Employee of the Museum and the City Archive of Mörfelden

For many years she has been chair­wo­man of the par­ents’ com­mit­tee of Ber­tha von Sutt­ner School. “I was always very con­cer­ned about pro­ject tui­tion, lin­king school edu­ca­tion and deve­lop­ment of per­so­na­lity. My cause had been the impro­ve­ment of gene­ral con­di­ti­ons for this pur­pose… “When my daugh­ter gra­dua­ted from school, I star­ted to employ mys­elf in a simi­lar way for the city’s museum and espe­cially for the occupa­tion with the history of KZ Walldorf.”


moi tag der offenen tür kleinHer­bert Kramm-Abendroth

Teacher at Lie­big Gyma­na­sium Frank­furt am Main

“The dis­cus­sion on the NS era is for­ming a part of the main empha­sis of my per­so­nal enga­ge­ment since my years of study. It is my main con­cern to talk about the sub­ject time and again with my stu­dents, and to keep an eye on the pre­sent at the same time.”


jochenJoa­chim Jourdan

musi­cian and music teacher







arndtAlfred Arndt

For­war­ding Agent

In the age of 22, during a visit to Buchen­wald KZ Memo­rial, he dis­co­vered that there was a satel­lite KZ in his home town Mörfelden-Walldorf. At that time, in 1972, he was a mem­ber of DKP.

He and his two fri­ends Jossy und Gerd star­ted to investigate…and did not give up until a memo­rial stone was erec­ted in March 1980. The three are still today working on pro­jects of simi­lar content.


kurratRai­ner Kurrat

Teacher at Freie Wal­dorf­schule Frank­furt am Main

I became a teacher since I enjoy to accom­pany and to sup­port young people in their deve­lop­ment, and to fur­ther them as far as I can… In this sense I am glad to be able to con­tri­bute in a con­struc­tive way to Mar­git Hor­váth Foundation…”



Kuratorium. Staszewski Foto_klein72dpiNoemi Stas­zew­ski

Head of the Centre for Sur­vi­vors of Shoah and their fami­lies, Co-Worker of the Jewish Com­mu­nity in Frankfurt.







"Aufbau"-Kulturpreis für Arno LustigerProf. Dr. Arno Lus­ti­ger sel. A.
