Zeit­zeu­gin Isabelle

We met Isa­belle in Buda­pest in 1999. This pho­to­graph was made in Buda­pest about one year before her depor­ta­tion. About 1943.

kz-aussenstelleb1_grShe tells us:

“First of all, we had to go to ther ghetto, and from there to the Buda–Kalász bri­ckyard. At the time, this was a collec­tion point for Jews of the broa­der environs. There were thousands of people. I was there with my mother, my father, my grand­mo­ther, aunt, and my cou­sins. On July 9, 1944, we were “wag­go­ned in” — direc­tion Auschwitz.”
